
Essential Gospel Truth #7

7) Jesus is God’s holy and righteous Son.

Suggested Verses: John 1:1, 14;  1 Timothy 1:15

Explanation: “How did God make a way for sin to be punished and sinners to be saved? By sending His one and only Son, Jesus, into the world. Because Jesus is the Son of God, He is fully God. That means that everything that is true of God the Father, is true of Jesus. For example, Jesus is all-powerful – just like God. That is why Jesus could things like healing sick people, making crippled people walk, making blind men see, and bringing dead people back to life. 

                  But when God sent Jesus to live on this earth, God also had Jesus become fully human. That is why Jesus was born as a real baby and grew up like real boys do and became a grown man. Because Jesus became a real person like you and me, He knows what its like to be sleepy and hungry. He understands what it is like to learn to walk and run and read and write. He knows how hard it can be to trust and obey God all of the time. And even though Jesus became just like us in all of these ways, He was able to do something that we could never, ever do. Jesus never once sinned! Because He is
God’s Son, He was born without a sin nature. Jesus was born without the desire to sin. And even when the devil tempted Him to sin, Jesus never sinned. Jesus perfectly obeyed God’s holy, righteous, and good commands ALL of the time!  Jesus is holy and righteous. This is great news for sinners!


---Showing how Jesus never sinned---
·       Jesus temptation vs. Adam’s temptation
o   Adam was in the Garden & had everything to eat-Adam sinned
o   Jesus was in the wilderness & had nothing to eat –Jesus didn’t sin
o   Both tempted by Satan- Adam failed, Jesus succeeded

·       Make a list (of all possible sins): Write them on a white board with a marker. (Fill as much up as you can). Take an eraser and one by one ask “Did Jesus ever do _______?” No, he never stole, fought, envied, cheated, etc. Until the white board is all clear. Jesus never, ever sinned.

Implication: Jesus, God’s Holy and Righteous son, came into the world to save you

Heather’s thoughts:  I love the order of these presented. Because  #7 will have already been explained (which is “God is Holy & Righteous”) children will be able to see how they (Jesus & God) have the same character. Not only that, but it lays the foundation for also explaining the Trinity-because they share the same characteristics.

Sorry this post was so late tonight. Hope it blesses you anyways!

Tomorrow I will be posting Essential Truth #8 which is “God put the punishment of sinners on Jesus.”

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