
Happy Birthday Dr. Suess

Today is Dr. Suess’ Birthday. When I was younger, I loved reading those books. I especially loved when my mom read to us “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” every year. I’d have to say my favorite book of his is “There’s a Wocket in my Pocket.” The first time I read that one was only two years ago. I worked with 2-year-olds and would always read it to them. Eventually, I’d see some of the kids (with more words) pointing to the pages and saying things like “Zall in Hall.” Some would even come up to me with the book in their hand and say “Wocket Pocket” wanting me to read it to them. It was so much fun and I got a crack out of the book too. (“Nooth Brush on my Tooth Brush”-c’mon that’s so funny!)

Seriously, kids interested & excited about books at age 2?! That’s amazing! What a creative mind Dr. Seuss had, what an impact he’s had on children’s literacy! If you haven’t read this book already, I’d encourage you to do so the next time you are at Barnes & Noble! My kids will for sure have this book!

Here is some of the text:

Did you ever have the feeling

There’s a WASKET in your BASKET?.....

…All those NUPBOARDS in the CUPBOARDS.

They're good fun to have about.


Him I could do without!


  1. Did Noel inspire you? :-) The blog is very cute! I knew you would love this hehehe. But your picture does not look like how I remember you... I don't like that you're changing and I'm imagining you differently than you really look. Where can I get some recent pictures?

  2. I love this! But this is a tragedy...I missed Dr. Suess day! Well, I just didn't realize it had passed. It's ok, I don't normally do something special, but I do usually know about it since I work with kids! Hey, I have one boy that I work with that LOVES Dr. Suess, and I was literally JUST looking up coloring pages for him online as an incentive :)
