We will often be very careful with the food and toys we buy children. But when it comes to children's books-especially christian ones- it seems we tend loose that filter. If it says "Christian", "Jesus", "Bible" or "God" that seems to be good enough-so we buy it. Unfortunately, I've read faaaarrr too many fluffy and moralistic children's books claiming to be "Christian." Sooo.... I thought I'd give a list of quality (Christian) children's books that I would have no problem buying as gifts for kids I know or reading to my own preschoolers. Here are just a few questions I ask myself when it comes to children's (story) books:
1) Is the book promoting dependence on God or dependence on self?
2) Is God's love the greatest love of all?
3) Are the pictures distracting or are they accurate (biblical)? Especially for younger children( i.e.Are Noah's animals on the ark wearing clothes?)
*Some of the books have my personal review. Scroll over the books to read them.