
Prayer & Preschoolers: Part II

Well "Part II" is going to be from the Children Desiring God curriculum I just bought. I was so excited when I read it that I just had to share it! This particular part is taken from Sally Michael’s Preschool Curriculum; He Established a Testimony. It can be found in the introduction to the lessons. Enjoy:

“Unless taught differently, preschoolers tend to pray the same kind of prayers-‘Thank you for the nice day, ‘ or “God bless mommy and daddy…’ Young children can be taught to share prayer requests and pray for each other. They just need some modeling and some encouragement…

Young children can also be taught to pray scripture-‘Help me to trust in you with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding’ or ‘Thank you, God, that you watch over the way of the righteous.’ They can also be taught to use scripture in praying for other people-‘Dear Jesus, please help Jimmy in the hospital. When he is afraid, help him to trust in You.”

Preschoolers can also be encouraged to pray aloud in front of the class. When it is someone’s birthday, ask a child to pray for that child and then you pray for the child. Preschoolers can lead the class in praying for a special need.

Instruct the children that there are four kinds of prayers:
1) “I Love you” prayers (Adoration)- These prayers tell God how wonderful He is. These are praising prayers-telling about the greatness and goodness of God.
2) “I’m sorry” prayers (Confession)- These prayers tell God about the wrong things we have felt and done, and then ask God to forgive us.
3) “Thank you” prayers (Thanksgiving)-These prayers thank God for His goodness and for answers to prayer.
4) “Please” prayers (Supplication)-These prayers are when we ask God for something. God’s answer can be “Yes”, “No”, or “Wait.” But God always answers prayer.

Children may be shy about praying in front of others at first or their prayers may be trite repetitions. But as you model real prayer to them & encourage them, they will little by little grow in their understanding of prayer.”
Hope this was as  helpful & encouraging to you as it was for me!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this. Very helpful. This reminds me of the other day when my brother asked his 3 year-old son to pray and he replied, "Which prayer?" :)
