
Hymns & Holy Hip Hop

Lately I've been listening to two types of music that I never really liked. Numero uno is Hip Hop- Holy Hip Hop that is. Times listening to guys like Lecrae, Shai Linne and Timothy Brindle have been so edifying and encouraging. My first time listening to them, I was surprised to find that there is more scripture in this music than most music on the average Christian radio station. But I'll stop there about that because this post is to introduce you to hymns-or should I say re-introduce you? Like Holy Hip Hop, many hymns are filled with rich truth. Many focus on Jesus and his grace for sinners-and oh how often we need to be reminded of that! They are beautiful. So let me re-introduce you: Friend, these are hymns. Hymns, these are my friends. (Jennie, you inspired me to put them back up-I'll put the other album up soon)

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